Emilie Shoop
Creator and Leader
Shoop Training & Consulting
Mission: To help you develop people skills for success and create powerful connections through leadership, team building, and employee engagement!
Emilie Shoop is a sought after Coach, Mompreneur, Strategist, Mentor, Speaker, Author, Trainer, Business Consultant, and Creator and Leader of Shoop Training & Consulting. She is an eternal networker who never meets a stranger. With 15+ years of experience creating valuable connections…she is a People Skills Trainer and Social Network Coach to entrepreneurs, professionals, teams, and organizations. Her methods help you create the connections you need to succeed!
Emilie works with people who are ready for that next level of success, and realize how they work with people is KEY. Her coaching will help you lead, delegate, sell, collaborate, perform, influence, and relate with people to launch your success to the next level.
One of Emilie’s pet peeves is unhappy people in the work place. People are either unhappy with the work they are doing, their bosses, or their employers. It is her belief that everyone has an innate desire to do well, and somehow people lose track of that along the way. It is this belief that drives her to reach out and impact others. Her coaching, speeches, workshops and seminars motivate and inspire as she involves and leads participants through dynamic transformations that enhance their ability to be focused and empowering leaders and teams.
Fueled by her passion and enthusiasm, working with Emilie is fun, interactive, high energy, impactful and results-oriented. She is an out of the box thinker and uses her skills to lead toward astounding results. She provides clients, teams and organizations the skills and tools for leadership and professional excellence.