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55 Resolutions That Can Positively Impact Your Career & Business

By Lisa Woods (1114 words)
Posted in Professional Development on December 29, 2013

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As 2013 comes to an end and 2014 begins, it is a great time to consider some resolutions that open opportunities for career growth and professional success.  We started this list last year and have added some new opportunities to consider. Here are 55 ideas to spark an impactful action plan to improve your career and business.  What is it that you want to improve?  Are you doing what is necessary to get where you want to go in your career?  Now is the time…here is our take on this list in no particular order.  What will you do? 


1.  Stop Interrupting People: Both Verbally & By Letting Your Mind Wander

2.  Focus On Defining Your Needs & Ability to Say No When Necessary

3.  Be Accountable for the Way Your Words & Actions Are Perceived

4.  Seek Out Actions Of Humility: Support The Efforts Of Others

5.  Create a Professional Reading List



6.  Join a Professional Association

7.  Find Someone to Mentor

8.  Find a Professional Mentor for Yourself

9.  Write Out Your Professional Goals and Post Where You Can See Them

10.  Commit to Monthly or Quarterly One-On-Ones With Each of Your Employees

11.  Get a Professional Certification or Finish Your Degree

12.  Join a Local Professional Networking Group

13.  Sign up For Volunteer Work

14. Be Appointed to A Board Of Directors (Corporate or Charitable Organization)

15. Attend Regular Networking Group Functions

16. Volunteer for Speaking Engagements at Trade Shows, Universities & Within Your Own Organization

17. Identify One Thing You Do Not Like to Do Or Are Not Good At Doing & Create An Action Plan to Improve Upon It.

18. Focus More on the Life Portion of the Work/Life Equation

19. Exercise Regularly for stress relief, good health & clarity of mind.

20. Make a Concerted Effort to “Exceed Expectations” in Everything You Do

21. Keep a Journal and Reflect on Successes & Failures

22. Set & Review Monthly Goals: Measure Success

23. Define and Review Your Career Objectives: What do you want to be when you grow up?

24. Create & Foster a Cross Functional Network Within Your Organization: Get to know co-workers & others, as well as their objectives.

25. Review Career Opportunities Within Your Organization & Externally

26. Define or Develop a Hobby Outside of Work

27. Volunteer For Something At Work: lead a project or join a committee

28. Access Career Counseling From a University or Career Coach

29. Create a Calm Personal Life

30. Focus Your Time on Friends as Opposed to Your Enemies

31. Grow Your Professional Network

32. Seek Out Others That Need Help/Support and Actually Help Them

33. Limit Using Email as a form of Communication. Utilize Face-to-Face/Phone to Communicate & Email to Inform

34. Make Meetings Meaningful with an Official Start, End, Objectives, Actions & Accountability

35. Use an Action Item List to Track & Communicate Deliverables

36. Maintain a Positive Disposition in Everything You Do

37. Listen More, Speak Less: Develop Active Listing Skills

38. Focus on Over Communicating to Ensure Everyone Understands You

39. Perfect What You Are Supposed To Do Before Asking For New Responsibly

40. Support the Efforts of Your Boss

41. Take a Class Or Participate in a Webinar

42. Update Your Wardrobe to Look & Feel Good 

43. Learn More About Your Company

44. Learn More About Your Own Customers

45. Seek Opportunities to Develop & Utilize Your Leadership & Management Skills 

46. Meet With Your Company’s Key Accounts/Customers & Ask How Well You Are Doing

47. Update/Refine Your Resume

48. Learn More About Your Company’s Competitors & the Overall Industry

49. Do Homework Before Meetings & Set The Expectation for Others to Do the Same

50. Take the Time to Fully Understand Financial Reporting & Key Metrics (ask for training on these documents)

51. Give Thanks & Credit to Others: Go out of your way to do it.

52. Take a Class on Public Speaking

53. Actively Delegate to Your Employees & Your Boss

54. Subscribe to Blogs & Newsletters to Stay Up To Date on Your Industry & in Your Profession

55.  Share ManagingAmericans.com & This List With Your Team!


Our list is just a start to trigger ideas for your own professional development.  What will you do differently in 2014?  Please post here and keep us updated on your progress.  Let us know if we can help in any way.


If you haven’t done so already, please join our community to receive professional development challenges from experts who are here to help you grow, learn, and experience professional success.


Good Luck & Happy New Year!




Written by Lisa WoodsPresident & CEO ManagingAmericans.com Lisa is a dynamic business leader & author, successful entrepreneur & world-class marketing strategist with more than 20 years experience leading, managing and driving growth in the corporate world. Today she provides Management & Leadership Training and Organizational Discovery Tools to help businesses succeed. Lisa utilizes her experience with integration techniques, organizational and cultural overhauls, financial turnarounds and strategic revitalization to help business leaders drive growth. Closing the gap between strategy and hierarchy through the use of effective communication skills, Lisa's techniques successfully align objectives, engage people & link strategy to execution.


Do you have a question for Lisa?  Post it in our Executive Leadership Community, she will be happy to help: Ask an Expert



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Strategic Leadership requires a cross-functional approach to learning, listening and communicating. With 30+ Thought Leaders providing exclusive management & leadership advice, our members develop a well-rounded perspective that helps to implement strategic and organizational change with ease. Free articles, along with Online Discovery Tools, help prepare for that change as well as monitor progress to completion.


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