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College Student / Recent Graduate Discussions

Posted on June 11, 2013
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Have you done any informational interviews?   What did you do to make them work for you AND your contact?    Please leave a comment below & read Lea's latest training article for examples and tips pertaining to Informational...(more)

Posted on March 28, 2013
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Landing your first job is not easy!  Preparation is key to finding a job that sets you up for success.  Part of the challenge is setting realistic expectations, but first it is important to know yourself.   Please check out Lea McLeod's...(more)

Posted on July 30, 2012
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Do you think you should get promoted once you complete your MBA?  What about people that get their MBA right after their undergraduate degree and before their first job…does an MBA make them qualified for a management job?   What...(more)

Posted on March 21, 2012
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Lisa would like to do an internship during her senior year of college.  She is a Marketing Major but not sure if she wants to get into advertising or market research.  She works mornings three days a week at a law firm to help pay for school,...(more)


The most common interview question is "So Tell Me About Yourself". Are you prepared to answer?