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Common job issues and solutions in College Student / Recent Graduate

A new study by Millennial Branding reports that GenY employees may not be in sync with their employers. Findings include perceptions of new grads as follows:  47% of employers believe new grads have a "poor work ethic" 46% of employers...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition “I've been sending out my resume for months and not hearing anything back.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a recent grad call with, literally, that exact...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition When you start your first job, the people you work with won’t know you. They’ll probably observe you quite a bit in the first weeks and months, however.And while they are...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition In spite of all the talk out there about Gen Y employees being presumptive and entitled in the workplace, I more often meet with young professionals who are anxious to get started in...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition Unlike college where all credit hours are created equally, tasks in your career will vary in value. High value work, your key priorities, generate more “workplace credit.”...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition What are the behaviors that can send your careerin the wrong direction? Take a look. I came across a Korn Ferry International study about the behaviors that block one’s career from...(more)

Take a look at your job criteria on a national basis.  Or explore your skill set and redefine the type of job you are looking...(more)

If you are unsure, focus on what you went to school for.  Be creative about how you can use your degree.  You are better off getting work experience in your field rather than regretting not doing anything with your...(more)

Some jobs require graduate degrees, but for most, your graduate degree is an added benefit that many employers will not want to pay a salary premium for unless you have work experience.  Also consider that if you are working, your employer may...(more)

Don’t wait for jobs to appear in front of you on job boards.  Define what you want and proactively reach out to companies or individuals who can help you achieve it.  Introduce yourself, advocate for...(more)

Don’t be shy about contacting the human resource manager at the company you are applying to.  Ask them if they received your resume and what the current status is for the...(more)

It is rare that anyone meets ALL the qualifications.  Don’t be afraid to apply to these...(more)

Target companies that have the job you want, but also have the job you are currently qualified for.  Get your foot in the door at your target company and work your way up to the job you really want.  Focus on training and networking.  It...(more)


The most common interview question is "So Tell Me About Yourself". Are you prepared to answer?