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Focus on these things to succeed in College Student / Recent Graduate

  Being at university can be a stressful and challenging time for many but it also provides a fabulous opportunity to work toward a brighter future and the ideal career. This is why students are keen to achieve and maintain good grades at...(more)

  This year in America, hiring gains are taking place in a variety of industries, including transportation, retail, education, hospitality and health, according to Bloomberg.com. Management grads who are preparing to enter...(more)

  Soft skills, including verbal communication, character traits, and social intelligence, are especially valuable for new professionals looking to secure employment. In fact, in recent surveys, employers rated communication the top...(more)

Some people do not realize what their bosses like and dislike. And therefore, end up doing things that upset their boss. For instance, giving a genuine compliment to your boss may make him pleased. But, getting carried away with true and false...(more)

So often I get a call from prospective job search clients. They usually tell me that they are applying to jobs but not hearing anything back. To me, that’s a sign that they probably don’t have a good job search strategy in place.   If...(more)

You mastered the job search strategy, the resumes, the interviews. Now you have a well-negotiated job offer and are ready to set the world on fire!    When it’s time to do that, I want you to pay attention to a big part of your job...(more)

Here are some great tips for Recent Grads to help you stand out ahead of the competition before you even send out a resume or apply for a job. It's only natural by the time graduation comes along that college graduates start chomping at the bit to...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest,that holds human associations together. — H.L. Mencken Have you ever rolled your eyes in frustration because a friend...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition College life may have been a breeze in terms of dressing, but your first job requires your dress for the career you’ve acquired.   Whether internship or first job, it pays to...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition   As you start your first job after college,asking good questions is one of the best tools you have! In a recent workshop Adrian was telling a story about the early days on his first...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition Being the new person doesn’t mean you can’t be a standout in the way you conduct yourself in the workplace. As you transition from college to organizational work, you may often...(more)

By Lea McLeod, M.A. , Founder & CEO, Degrees of Transition Many young adults say one of the hardest adjustments when starting the first job is simply “not knowing how to do everything.”You just left an academic system you could manage...(more)

Do you know how to land a job in today’s economy?   Are you a college student, recent graduate or know someone who is about to enter the workforce for the first time?  Today’s economy requires a head start in order to land a...(more)

…You are fresh out of college; you made it through the interview process and got your first break into the workforce.  You want to do great things and believe you have a lot to offer. …As an employer you have given this recent...(more)

Like most things in life, actions tend to speak louder than words.  So is the action you take to complete your MBA worthy of a promotion?  Or are those three little letters you worked so hard to obtain just words you have on your resume? ...(more)


The most common interview question is "So Tell Me About Yourself". Are you prepared to answer?