The following information is a compilation from many sources and reflects my personal experience in management in the call center industry. The author takes no credit for creating these ideas, only in compiling them in a manner consistent for use in a customer service/call center environment. Originally developed for use at Bedford Fair Apparel, Inc. in Wilmington, NC, it is hoped that these ideas can be used to increase morale and build employee loyalty in many other customer contact centers. It is ever-evolving and not all-inclusive.
(NOTE: Due to the success in the contact center, this was eventually adapted and rolled out in the Distribution Center at the request of the Vice President, using goals and objectives suited for that unique environment. It has also been published in portions by the periodical, “The Customer Service Advantage”, and is therefore copyrighted/protected in its current form.)
When implementing an incentive program, there are various considerations to be made. Management needs to be cognizant of the physical cost, as well as the time involved for staff members responsible for maintaining the program. Incentive programs do not require a massive amount of staff time or monetary resources. This plan, like many others, allows for flexibility based on company resources and budgetary constraints.
Initially, it is easy to be motivated and to aggressively start an incentive plan. To be aggressive at initiation, however, can cause too much expectation and can later result in loss of interest. Remember this when starting your incentive plan. Too much too soon can be detrimental. Continuous variety and an element of surprise are fundamental to success. If the program begins with a bang and then loses momentum, the positive effects are also lost. Employees may begin to expect incentives, in which case the program can actually add to lowered employee morale. Start slowly. Build steadily. Keep it fresh.
Looking at published studies regarding what employees say motivates them versus what management thinks motivates employees, the difference in desire of the employees and assumption of management is apparent. Take a look at the study results below.