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Executive Leadership / General Management
Joined: April 2012
Posts: 23
Posted: April 6, 2012 6:51 AM

For a small start-up company with a handful of employees do I need a formal HR Policy? Normally I would have an HR rep. do this, but I am not in a position today to hire one. Thanks!

Human Resources
Joined: February 2012
Posts: 4
Posted: April 6, 2012 7:14 AM

RE: Small Bus. HR Policy
Perhaps I am partial, but I would say absolutely. While I do think you could get away with it, it sets the tone for all employees and really helps manage expectations on policies and procedures. I would highly encourage you to put one together, even if you pulled a template off the internet to start with.

Key components you may want to include:

1. Equal Opportunity Employer
2. Hiring Policy - typically have a three months test period.
3. Personal Conduct
4. Dress Code
5. Communication policy (phone/email)
6. Internet use policy
7. Health and Safety
8. Harassment
9. Performance Policy

Make sure that all your policies comply with state and federal requirements.

I also think its a great idea to ask your employees to take a look and think of ways to improve it.

Human Resources
Joined: December 2012
Posts: 3
Posted: December 13, 2012 12:00 AM

RE: Small Bus. HR Policy

You must hire a HR representative and moreover an organization whether it is small or big must follow a formal HR policy.

Human Resources
Joined: December 2012
Posts: 3
Posted: March 12, 2013 3:01 AM

RE: Small Bus. HR Policy
Nice tips. Thanks for sharing it. Following these will surely lead to success.
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