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Joined: April 2012
Posts: 4
Posted: April 24, 2012 10:43 PM

One way of selling is to represent the product or service you are offering to customers. Another way of selling is to represent your customer as you facilitate a relationship with your products or services. If you take that latter approach you will be more likely to develop a long-term bond with your customers. They will open up to you about their needs and you can focus on not only selling product today, but product development needs for the future. You will be able to customize services such as packaging, and delivery and you will manage to create a stronger tie that is difficult to replace with competition.

Joined: August 2012
Posts: 1
Posted: November 14, 2012 9:06 AM

RE: Treat your customers as partners.
I agrere wholeheartedly and also doing some research about your customers to 'get to know" them I believe is essential. Know their wishes, mission and vision is essential to assure you and your customer are aligned as that will make a best fit client/customer relationship

Joined: April 2012
Posts: 4
Posted: December 4, 2012 12:24 PM

RE: Treat your customers as partners.
That is absolutely right White029. I think it is why you see all the sales/CRM platforms now offering links to customers social networks such as FB/Twitter/LI.

What research do you find most useful when you prep for a call/meeting with a client?

Joined: January 2013
Posts: 1
Posted: February 6, 2013 11:55 PM

RE: Treat your customers as partners.
There is nice quotation said “Customer always they are right” even if they are not totally right, Right in their expectation right is their evaluation
Establishing a strong relationship with customer is very important it is equation in two ways.
the result will be right if the equation has been applied correctly.
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