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Managing Junior Military Officers
Joined: May 2012
Posts: 26
Posted: May 4, 2012 1:29 PM

Network, Network, Network... I can't say how many times the effective use of someone's network and leveraging that to expand relationships and meet others results in successful employment. You never know where it might lead, but you must be patient, persistent and polite. Identify opportunities to network with individuals that work within companies. A great way to approach them early is to let them know you are thinking about making a transition from the military and wanted to touch base with them to elicit their advice on the transition and learn more about their organization. During the discussion ask for advice on who they should talk to and how your contact found job placement. Some incredible networking resources have come along since my days of transitioning. To name a few: - LinkedIn - Other transitioned military officers - Friends and Family - Follow on contacts from the previously mentioned. Don't stress about the transition. Put your plan together, focus on allocating a certain amount of time each day and actively close out transition activities

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