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Project Management
Joined: April 2013
Posts: 1
Posted: May 7, 2013 9:53 AM

Looking for a list of Communication Competencies for IT professionals that I can use to add as standard to each job profile. Our profile will have three levels. Begin, Inter, Expert. Was hoping to start from something already tried and true.

Workplace Communication Skills
Joined: March 2013
Posts: 1
Aptos, CA
Posted: May 8, 2013 4:21 PM

RE: Communication Competencies
It's a great idea to start from a list of established competencies! I'm glad you are working in this direction. Having competencies listed and clear will help you establish performance standards and measure success from the start. Unfortunately, I don't know where you might find such a list for IT positions. Have you checked with your industry associations or HR associations? I hope other readers will also respond with their ideas! Best of luck!

Workplace Communication Skills
Joined: February 2013
Posts: 1
Phoenix, AZ
Posted: May 8, 2013 6:08 PM

RE: Communication Competencies
Interesting issue. When you talk about communication competencies are you talking about the ability to communicate technical information to internal clients or customers, interpersonal communication skills like conveying idea, giving feedback constructively or both?
In my experience as a non technical executive what I always found extremely valuable in IT professionals was when they could communicate with me as a user in my "language" and communicate ideas to others that same way.
I think your idea is a very good one for all "technical" professionals.
You might see if Microsoft or similar "tech" firms have developed those kinds of competencies or training or check with your local community college or Chamber of Commerce to see if they have resources that could help you develop your own...

Workplace Communication Skills
Joined: September 2012
Posts: 1
Leavenworth, KS
Posted: May 8, 2013 11:01 PM

RE: Communication Competencies
I've spent my entire career in I.T. as a programmer, an analyst and a project manager and have found the following communication competencies to be essential:
1) The ability to interview subject matter experts using active listening techniques
2) The ability to frame an issue or problem succinctly
3) The ability to define a process flow, particularly a swim lane diagram
4) The general ability to visually depict complex concepts

I'm sure others could add to this list, but these four competencies might be a good starting point.
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Do you emphasize your own opinions when you give presentations at work?