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Executive Leadership / General Management
Joined: April 2012
Posts: 17
Posted: September 10, 2012 10:51 PM

Arrogance is unacceptable. Maintain a confident and positive attitude humbled by facts and skill. If you can do this successfully, others will follow.

Workplace Communication Skills
Joined: March 2014
Posts: 1
Posted: March 3, 2014 12:20 AM

RE: Leading Without Authority
I believe there is another important aspect to consider. As a women professional transitioning to the corporate world, I had a truly difficult experience.

I was given all the responsibility and accountability but without the authority. An impossible situation. I communicate for a living so I was surprised by my challenge. I tried to find ways to communicate with "difficult" people. I just thought it was because I was the new gal.

In the end, I was the target of workplace bullying but I still feel awful.

Workplace Communication Skills
Joined: April 2012
Posts: 17
Posted: March 4, 2014 9:39 AM

RE: Leading Without Authority
Dear alwayslearning,

What you described is unfortunate and unfortunately too common! Often people are given jobs without any intention of letting them do their jobs. It has nothing to do with you, the person who hired you is the one with the problem...their ego does not allow them to let go of the power. It doesn't matter what level in the hierarchy, this problem exists everywhere, but it certainly does sting more the higher up you go.

This is where establishing clear expectations from day one is so important. Expectations on the job, two way feedback, and regular reviews to ensure both you and your boss are getting what you want out of the relationship.

It's hard not to take it personally because you may think...he/she does't treat my colleagues this way...it must be me. Actually, it is the job your boss is holding on to, because they don't want to let go, it's important to them and maybe they want all the kudos that come along with it.

I know it is shallow thinking but there are ways to get around it. By establishing what they need you to accomplish (the responsibility), what the impacts are if results are not met (the accountability), AND the communication flow between you, your boss & others in the organization (the authority), you have something concrete to manage the relationship, build trust and use to make unemotional decisions.

With this approach you may find yourself sad that the job was not what you expected it to be, or that your boss is a fool, you may even find that you did not know everything you thought you did and you grow in the position.

But what is less likely is that your boss becomes your nemesis or bully, because from the start there is 2-way clarity that continues throughout your working relationship, trust is built and it's win-win for the business.

You can't change much about what happened in your previous job, but you can use is as an eye opener for your next endeavor.

Good luck!

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