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How do your Employees describe your company culture?

Posted in Human Resources on April 18, 2013
There are (1) comments permalink


Your ability to keep and attract high quality employees is dependent on your company culture, but many companies do not spend any time trying to create an environment that is attractive to the right kind of employees. 


How would your employees describe your culture toward them? 


Does your company proactively do anything to create this environment? 


Do you try to capture your employee's perspective on the subject?  If so, what do you do?

Comments (1)

Mark Herbert posted on: April 19, 2013

This represents a great question. Culture is something HR and OD professionals like to discuss, but rarely quantify.
To me your culture and your "employment brand" are the same. It isn''t what you say it is who you are.
Your employees don''t need do we able to describe your culture in marketing speak or multi syllabic phrases, but rather in terms of your values and your value proposition.
If you aren''t managing your culture proactively rather than reactively and you aren''t capturing your employee''s perspective you likely are losing opportunity to increase engagement as well.
Don''t let someone sell you an engagement survey as the definitive vehicle to capture your employee''s perspective, it doesn''t work...


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