PDF editing has become quite a major need these days, whether we’re talking about individuals or small business owners. Thankfully, there is a large offer on the market these days, since you can find special software for this purpose everywhere....(more)
The “squirrel moment” arrives unexpectedly. The instant message pops up with a question about functionality in a recently deployed release. A new production support ticket arrives from the customer service team. The product...(more)
As organizations get started with agile, the impacts are small – similar to dropping a pebble in a swimming pool. The effects are noticeable to the teams that are beginning to work on agile pilot projects, but imperceptible to the rest of...(more)
By Ron Montgomery, Management Consultant & Owner, OnPoint, LLC
Agile organizations must overcome cultural challenges to enable teams to function, foster creativity and move quickly. When Project Managers face organizational challenges...(more)
When developing an online business, or even an Internet division or website of an existing company, there are virtually unlimited ways to improve. Web design alone is complex enough to offer limitless options, and when it comes to honing the actual...(more)
Focus on project management skills. Take a course or read up on the process of successful project...(more)
Focus on technology investments that will save the company money and improve efficiencies. Present your ideas to management in a way that shows the return on...(more)
Work with each department to understand their needs. Maybe the system does not support the requirements of the workflow. See if you can make adjustments to ensure needs are being met by the department while maintaining system...(more)
Develop your internal network and have regular discussions with the marketing group to discuss their future needs. Proactively bring ideas to them and you will have a greater chance of being included in future planning...(more)