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Have you had to communicate bad news?

Posted in Senior Manager on August 2, 2012
There are (2) comments permalink


We all dread having to give out bad news whether it be about ourselves, financial results, or letting someone go.  What memorable experiences do you have as the bearer of bad news?  Can you share any advice with our readers on what to do, or what not to do?

Comments (2)

Shadi posted on: February 17, 2013

Good Question,
It is not easy to pass any negative feeling but in my point of view always telling the truth is highly recommended being deceptive is not recommended for passing any kind of bad news.

Senior_Exec posted on: August 24, 2012

I have had the unfortunate, but very necessary responsibility to let individuals go throughout my career. Some of those for performance related issues, some because of cutbacks. It is never easy, but I have always found that being direct in the discussion is the best way to approach the discussion.

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