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What would you do to get your boss to respect the hierarchy in the company?

Posted in Senior Manager on February 14, 2012
There are (2) comments permalink


Mike is the VP of Operations at a logistics company.  He has nine locations across the country with a direct staff heading up each facility.  Mike has been struggling with his boss Tom who continuously drops in on conference calls and meetings with Mike’s staff.  Mike notices that no matter how productive the meeting is, as soon as Tom enters everyone stops listening to Mike and waits to see what direction Tom is going to give them.  Mike is getting very frustrated with his job and feels his staff is starting to lose respect for him.

  • Should Mike discuss this issue with his boss Tom?  
  • What can Mike do to limit Tom’s involvement with his staff?  
  • Is there anything Mike can do with his staff to take back control without addressing the issue with Tom?

Comments (2)

Linkdedin posted on: May 30, 2012

First Mike should observe Mr Tom what is it that he does that make the staff pay attention? Is Mike bossy? People like mind approach. Communicate affectively and choose your words. Work as a team with your colleagues.

SalesAddict posted on: April 24, 2012

Mike MUST discuss the issue with Tom. Be respectful but honest. He can explain that it is causing problems for him and ask if they can set up a more formal quarterly review with his staff if he still wants to have that direct involvement. That way Mike can be in control of the meeting and use it as a way to guide his staff to prepare formal presentations for Tom, while Mike remains in control of the situation.

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