Becoming an entrepreneur is something that is very tempting for many people. Being in charge and organizing everything by yourself is definitely something that comes with numerous advantages. However, in many cases, it might be difficult to start everything from scratch, but there are other ways to obtain your own business.
Buying a business is definitely a better option for many entrepreneurs, and less initial effort is required. When it comes to businesses, ecommerce options can be a profitable alternative. Not only are they easier to take care of, but you will also be able to analyze them closely before you make the decision to buy one.
Nevertheless, there are a few things that you should take into account before you decide to buy an ecommerce business. There are many details you need to analyze and you should not rush this decision. Here are some things that are very important for an ecommerce business:
If you want to own a business, then it is obvious that the revenue is what interests you. Therefore, here is where you should start. Always remember that it is also important to take a look at the expenses.
Start by asking for invoices for all the costs of the business including hosting, email subscription, stock purchases, marketing costs, or other things such as fees, refunds and chargebacks. Analyze the shopping cart reports to get a better idea about the revenue.
Customer engagement
Customers are one of the most important things for a business. That is why you should take this factor into account as well. Check how many repeat customers there are, and how many product reviews the site receives.
Customer support is something that is needed by any business, so ask for the logs for that as well. See what the response times are, what the feedback is and how many enquiries there were. If you can, talk with some customers about their experience.
Site traffic
Website traffic is vital for any ecommerce business, because here traffic translates into customers. You should be able to get all the information you need from Google Analytics. When you take a look at the traffic, you must pay attention to all the small details. For example, see if the traffic is consistent or if it goes up and down at unusual intervals.
Look at the site’s history to see if there are any Google penalties and evaluate the top sources. Also take a look at the backlink profile to make sure that there are not any paid backlinks. Make sure that the profile has grown smoothly over time.
There are other ways to get traffic data as well. For example, you can buy the ecommerce business from an ecommerce marketplace like Exchange by Shopify. Here, the traffic data (as well as revenue data) comes directly from Shopify, which means that it cannot be edited and you can be sure that it is real.