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Is it true that women need to work harder to get ahead?

Posted in Woman Executive on May 30, 2012
There are (1) comments permalink


We have all heard the saying that women need to work twice as hard as men to be noticed for their work.  Is this something that you have found in your work experience?  Why do you think this is the case?  Do you think it is the expectation of others or do women put this pressure on themselves?

Comments (1)

alkathakur posted on: April 5, 2017

I do not feel this is completely true. If you put in efforts, your hard work shows, you are appreciated and rewarded irrespective of whether you are a woman or a man. Women are better workers at the end of the day I as they are born with the multitasking abilities unlike men.

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Do you feel the need to work harder than your male counterparts in order to prove yourself?