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Articles Tagged - ChangeManagement

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    July 24, 2017

    The Truth About Leading Organizational Change

    3 Lessons Every Leader & Manager Can Learn From

    Organizational strategists help business leaders realize their strategy by framing the organization necessary to achieve it. They look at what the organization is today vs. the business leader’s vision for the future, and then develop the changes necessary to achieve the desired results.   Here's the problem...it's still up to the leader to implement that change and most leaders fail at doing so.   Why is that? The answer is not so obvious. In fact, the reason is often blamed on the...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on July 24, 2017

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    October 20, 2016

    Cross Functional Skills Benefit Employees & The Bottom Line

    Valuable skills that trump personality.

    Sometimes we enjoy working with others, sometimes…not so much. It’s human nature to rely on a personal exchange in order to get along with people & work cohesively. Simply put however, personal exchanges are not enough to elevate an individual’s career, nor bring substantial value to the bottom line. Here’s why: Business actions, simple or complex, can become personality struggles when a professional connection does not exist.  Those personal exchanges we rely on...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on October 20, 2016

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    October 6, 2015

    Crafting a Successful Business Strategy vs. Committing to One

    Leader Engagement – 4 Steps to Ensure Your Commitment to Lead Change

    Whether you are leading a corporation or building your small business, crafting a successful business strategy is bound to be one of your key objectives. But when executives are asked if their strategies will be successful, the results are impressive...in an unimpressive way. According to a 2011 Booz & Company Executive Survey, 53% of executives do not believe their company’s strategy will lead to success, 63% say they have too many conflicting priorities and 54% say their company’s way of...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on October 6, 2015

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    March 31, 2014

    Stop Doing It All & Start Leading Your Business

    4 Actions to Transition From “Doer” to “Leader”

    I don’t have time to do the things I know I should be doing. I can’t expect others to do what I do..the way it needs to be done. My clients like to work with me directly and if I rely on my team, my business is going to suffer.   Do any of these statements sound familiar? What about this one…When I do delegate, my employees either screw up, or come to me for every little thing, in the end, it’s just easier and faster if I do it myself.   Or this...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on March 31, 2014

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    March 21, 2014

    Leader Engagement – 4 Steps to Ensure Your Commitment to Lead Change

    Crafting a Successful Business Strategy vs. Committing to One

    Whether you are leading a corporation or building your small business, crafting a successful business strategy is bound to be one of your key objectives. But when executives are asked if their strategies will be successful, the results are impressive...in an unimpressive way. According to a 2011 Booz & Company Executive Survey, 53% of executives do not believe their company’s strategy will lead to success, 63% say they have too many conflicting priorities and 54% say their company’s way of...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on March 21, 2014

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    March 10, 2014

    How to Achieve Audience Buy-In: Sell It!

    Spend less time discussing the how to, & more time celebrating the what if!

    Have you ever tried to pitch an idea? In public speaking we are often times trying to sell something, sell change, sell innovation...    Noteworthy speakers are able to engage the audience, inspire, and have a successful call to action. The challenge is how? When you're proposing a new model or process you don’t want to spend time outlining the steps that will be taken in your new world; for that you could put together a job aide or process map, hand it out, and take a seat. You're giving...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on March 10, 2014

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    February 10, 2014

    Building & Leading High-Performance Teams-7 Questions Leaders Ask

    What’s good for the general is also good for the corporate leader!

    Effective leaders ask many questions – and listen to the answers they receive.  Great leaders act on what they hear. A right of passage for first year cadets (plebes) at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (USMA) requires the memorization of a wide range of information and the accurate recitation of the details when requested by upperclassmen.  The objective of the exercise, according to the guidebook of the time, was to develop memory retention skills and the ability to perform...Continue reading

    By Karen KuhlaPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on February 10, 2014

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    December 4, 2013

    Agile Transformation – Five Tips for Getting Team Members On Board

    Like any change initiative, agile transformations take time.

    The agile movement values collaboration among team members, self-organizing teams, and technical excellence. In theory, one would think that everyone would want to be part of an agile team. It just doesn’t work that way in practice and some team members will need additional support to become comfortable with this change. Following are five tips for getting team members on board with agile.   Tip #1 – Listen First   In the world of software development, most people have developed...Continue reading

    By Ron MontgomeryPosted in Project & Process Management on December 4, 2013

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    November 26, 2013

    Contracting and Change – How They Can Happen Together

    Six Critical Elements To Transform The Contracting Function

    The phrase ‘change management’ has almost become a cliché in the business world.  Many companies and consultants claim to be experts in the subject, but indeed, it's doubtful that any have become masters. Yet why would this be the case?  Because every company, culture, function and situation can be different, and there is not one common recipe for change management that applies to all.  Thus, when thinking about driving change in the contracting arena, it can be even more...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on November 26, 2013

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    September 29, 2013

    5 Questions Change Agents Use to Move People Forward

    A Guide to Overcoming Resistance to Change

    As leaders and managers we are often in the position of instigating or shepherding change efforts. Whether you are leading a process improvement team, implementing a new policy or system, or even driving cultural changes, you are, in effect, a change agent. You are introducing a new way of doing things, which means adopting new behaviors and letting go of old habits and patterns.    As leaders we have likely cultivated our own change hardiness, which may be one of the reasons we have risen...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Communication Skills on September 29, 2013

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