
Cross-Functional Learning


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Articles Tagged - CommunicationTools

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    October 20, 2016

    Cross Functional Skills Benefit Employees & The Bottom Line

    Valuable skills that trump personality.

    Sometimes we enjoy working with others, sometimes…not so much. It’s human nature to rely on a personal exchange in order to get along with people & work cohesively. Simply put however, personal exchanges are not enough to elevate an individual’s career, nor bring substantial value to the bottom line. Here’s why: Business actions, simple or complex, can become personality struggles when a professional connection does not exist.  Those personal exchanges we rely on...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on October 20, 2016

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    December 2, 2014

    How to Have a Healthy Conversation

    Connecting with others is the lifeblood of getting work done.

    With the well-warranted national conversation on good health, it’s time we talk about another area where health is important – our own conversations.  We’ve got obesity on the national scale and bloated conversations in the workplace. We’ve got fillers in our food and fillers in our conversations.  We seek workarounds to what we know contributes to good health (exercise, anyone?) like we seek shortcuts when we converse and omit details required for...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Professional Development on December 2, 2014

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