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Articles Tagged - communicationskills

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    March 29, 2020

    C0VID-19: Gamechanger for Business Leaders, Managers, Employees

    How to calm short-term unrest, and ensure long-term success.

      Are you freaking out yet? Whether you answer Yes, No or Maybe, chances are your employees answer YES!…therefore you need to be a calming force during these difficult times. Here we will tackle what that means for you, and what actions can you take to move your team forward through this chaos.   Many in our workforce today have never faced a crisis like this one. Those of us who have years of wisdom….can offer some advice based on personal experience. I’d like to share...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on March 29, 2020

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    May 10, 2019

    Why Are Negotiation Skills Soooooo Scary?

    Negotiation is simply communication with accountability.

    Negotiation is a loaded term, one that many associate with conflict, selling, losers verses winners, intimidation, power struggles…the list goes on. Bottom line, most people associate Negotiation Skills with negative connotations, and because of that, the topic is scary to even think about. I review this issue with hundreds of people each year between my business clients and MBA students. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that over 90% of current and future business professionals in this mix...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on May 10, 2019

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    October 10, 2014

    3 Types of Questions You Should Avoid Asking in Sales

    Quality questions can make the difference between stalling out and advancing the sale.

    After conducting research with sellers and buyers for over 20 years, I’ve concluded that there are five kinds of questions sellers should avoid.     1. Avoid Asking “If I Could…” Questions   This is an obvious set-up. The seller asks a question to fabricate a conditional commitment. Then the seller proceeds to deliver on the condition he or she set up with an expectation the buyer will proceed.    When nearing a close or in response to a sales...Continue reading

    By Deb CalvertPosted in Sales & Business Development on October 10, 2014

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    October 8, 2014

    3 Little Changes that will Make a Big Difference With Your Feedback

    Follow these simple tips to accelerate your results.

    "I want your feedback"   We all say it.  We all think we want it.  We all are surprised when we don’t hear anything.   According to dictionary.com feedback can be defined as “a reaction or response to a particular process or activity” and taken further to “evaluative information derived from such a reaction or response.”  I was surprised at how simple, yet not really helpful the definition was.  We always think of feedback being a lot more...Continue reading

    By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on October 8, 2014

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    September 26, 2014

    CHUNKING - Grouping Information for Clear Communication

    Communication is not just about getting someone to hear or remember something.

    Communication is not just about getting someone to hear or remember something, it is about helping him or her make sense of it and take action!   Think about the amount of information you have to process each day — reports, meetings, one on ones, emails and more!  Some information is easy to understand and retain; some is not. The difference is in how the information is presented.    Grouping information so that your audience easily understands you is known as...Continue reading

    By Jayne JenkinsPosted in Communication Skills on September 26, 2014

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    September 8, 2014

    Presentation Skills: How to Handle an Ambush

    Nine tips to successfully evade the presentation highwaymen.

    “Stand and deliver!”   For years it was the cry of the English Highwayman - a dashing masked figure atop a jet-black horse, hero to the masses while profoundest enemy of the rich upon whom he prayed. A sort of Anglo-Saxon Zorro, just without the chubby little sidekick.   Such was the myth. The reality however was very different. This was no popular hero launching his ambush from the roadside shrubbery. This was a thug plain and simple. A robber who was there for just one thing -...Continue reading

    By Peter PaskalePosted in Communication Skills on September 8, 2014

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    July 29, 2014

    What Are We Not Saying?

    Actionable Opportunities to Engage Employees with Feedback

    A provocative question. This is not about interpreting nonverbal behavior or playing Hollywood Game Night at the company picnic. It’s about being tight-lipped with our employees when we could choose not to. It’s about the messages we could be saying that would go a long way in engaging them, something we keep saying we want but can’t seem to get out of our own way to create.   What do employees want? We have scores of studies that show us. Whether you review Ross DePinto’s...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on July 29, 2014

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    April 22, 2014

    Snarky, Snappy & Sarcastic

    Dealing with the Rude Co-worker

    No, Snarky, Snappy and Sarcastic are not the names of three additional dwarfs.  If they were, I think Snow White would not have been so optimistic!   Ever been in a great mood only to have a rude remark waylay your cheery disposition?  What to do?  What to do?  This is not to be confused with the seriously detrimental effects of bullying on employees’ psyche and health.  I’m talking about the under-one’s-breath-day-ruiner, the run-in you wish you had NOT...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on April 22, 2014

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    April 17, 2014

    7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making with Team Communication

    Remind your team that communication is critical to everyone’s success.

    Effective team communication is critical to your success a leader.  Each member on your team, including you, needs to know what is going on, deadlines, expectations, budgets, and more.  When information is flowing freely, your team is able to reach and exceed goals.   We all get busy.  We all have more than enough work to fill each day.  We all get stressed.  Unfortunately, that is when our communication skills tend to take a backseat to our other priorities.   Here...Continue reading

    By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on April 17, 2014

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    April 4, 2014

    Managing Workplace Personalities: The Politician Without A Plan

    How to work with and manage difficult people.

    We don’t always get to choose the people we work with, nor whom we work for, but if you want to succeed, your relationships with everyone in your work environment must be cultivated, especially as a Manager. Managers need to maximize the potential of their team. If you leave people out because of personality clashes, everyone suffers, especially your results. One of the most annoying and common personalities to prepare for is the politician without a plan. Below are some tactics you can use to...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on April 4, 2014

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