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Customer Service
Joined: May 2017
Posts: 1
Posted: May 4, 2017 6:31 PM

I'm an assistant manager at an apartment complex. Since I started nearly 2 years ago, I've tried desperately to raise bars, start new projects, and get people excited. The problem is - the manager has zero excitement, has a very apathetic attitude, in fact. This top-down lackadaisical attitude leaves me doing ALL the work on projects--projects that, when they're finished, everybody wants to have been a part of (including the manager), but during the project, I'm virtually the only one working on them and I have to carry every single bit of excitement for it--the manager shows absolutely none. I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall, and I don't see any other direction to go but out. What would be your advice about such an apathetic manager?

Senior Manager
Joined: May 2012
Posts: 6
Posted: May 5, 2017 10:22 AM

RE: Apathetic Manager
Well you are certainly not the only one dealing with an apathetic boss. What it sounds like is that once success is realized, they want to be part of that success. Another perspective is, once a change has been implemented they feel comfortable latching on to it. There are typically two types of managers, the ones that lead their team through change and the ones that steadily maintain the day-to-day in order to keep things afloat. These are two very different personality types and you probably won't change the type of manager your boss seems to be. That being the case, you seem to fit into the first group, the one who leads through change. Maybe instead of expecting your manager to be someone they are not, focus on filling the role that comes more naturally to you and sharing your progress with your manager along the way. For example. Go to your manager with a list of projects you would like to take on next. Ask for their input on prioritizing them. Even if all they do is sign off on the order you present...you are getting them involved. Next create a project plan and timeline including the benefits the project result will bring to the organization..keep your boss informed and keep getting a verbal sign off. Little by little they may get more involved. You will also have the tools to get others involved. You probably won't change your manager, but hopefully you can shift your frustration to appreciating the differences in capabilities. Build your strengths, and you will know what to do next. Whether it's to grow in your current role, or take on a new one somewhere else. Right now it seems that you are not being held back from working on your ideas...take advantage of it, bring visibility to it and step people in little by little. It sounds like you are on the right path!
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