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Managing Junior Military Officers
Joined: May 2012
Posts: 26
Posted: May 24, 2012 9:53 AM

Below is a list of recommended readings for those making the transition from military to private sector. If you have any recommendations please post a reply and we will add to the list.

  1. Business Model You: A One-Page Method For Reinventing Your Career

  2. Careers After the Armed Forces: How to Decide on the Right Career and Make a Successful Transition

  3. Take Command: 10 Leadership Principles I Learned in the Military and Put to Work for Donald Trump

  4. What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

  5. Forbes (1-year) - You don't necessarily need a full year subscription, but recommended that you immerse yourself in business publications.

  6. The Interviewing Handbook for Military Leaders - Paul Kreider is a former JMO.  This book offers great insight for any transitioning military officer planning for an interview in the civilian workplace. This book walks you through the process from detailed self analysis exercises, through translation of military experience to civilian qualifications, to ways to handle the tricky questions.

  7. Knock 'em Dead Resumes: Features the latest information on: Online Postings, E-mail Techniques, and Follow-up Strategies - A comprehensive guide for any Military Officer making the transition to private sector.  It walks you through every step of the resume writing process to include how you craft the resume to get through job filters.  It helps you think about your military officer experience, defining your personal brand and translating your Military Officer experience into a resume that will get noticed.

  8. In Search of Excellence - Lessons from America's Best Run Companies.

  9. Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way - It takes a few chapters to get into the substance of the discussion, but good read for any Military Officer looking to transition as well as managers of all organizations.  The bottom line is each individuals integrity will be continuously challenged.  Truly successful leaders have a deep understanding of moral/ethical standards which helps them make the right decisions each day.

  10. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

  11. Suit Yourself: A Practical Guide to Men's Attire - for my fellow Millitary Officers who grew used to haveing a manual guide their wardrobe decision, this is a quick wardrope guide to help your decision on civilian attire.

  12. 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions - This is a very helpful book for the Military Officer Transition process. This guide gives you a very organized process to prepare for interviews.

  13. Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive - Good read to gain some insight into corporate culture.

  14. The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers: The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction - This is a good read for Transitioning Military Officers to guide the career management thought process. 


If you found this information helpful please visit our Resource Center located on our Transitioned Military Officer Community Page for more useful information.

Transitioned Military Officer
Joined: May 2012
Posts: 26
Posted: May 27, 2012 8:36 PM

RE: Professional Reading List - Transitioned Military Officer
If you have any recommendations for books or resources that might be helpful in the Military Officer Transition please post them here and we will update the list on an ongoing basis. Thank you for your support.
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